These are some more tiles i've made. They're going to be on sale at Shelf, 40 Cheshire Street, London, E2 6EH. Incidently, it's Rob Ryan night there this Thursday 6th September from 6-9pm. There'll be lots of other lovely things for sale on the night, but that's all i'm saying for now. Hope to see you there.
I love your work.
Saw it in a shop in Whitstable this weekend.
Thanks for the Tile you gave me and Hazel...its tony the tiger!
You do bring light to the world. Best of luck for tomorrow night. Absoluetly gutted I won't be there so to quote another one of your tiles, 'please take a drink' for me! x
Sorry I missed this - hope you had a wonderful evening !
hey wow a boy blogger / commenter! Thanks for the lovely words :)
great blog by the way - love your artwork. I think I've seen your before somewhere - on design*sponge maybe...
Sharing nih Obat laringitis / radang pita suara akut dan kronis puy Obat nyeri di ulu hati dan sakit dada sebelah kiri buy Obat untuk menaikkan gula darah yang rendah dey Obat pelancar asi yang bagus zey Obat pelancar kencing / buang air kecil neww Obat dada terasa berat dan nafas pendek just Obat sakit pinggang menjalar hingga paha dan selangkangan must Obat ambeien bernanah tanpa operasi let Obat varikokel tanpa operasi sef Obat pereda nyeri haid yang aman Thank you...
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