Monday, March 24, 2008

Due to increased demand I have reprinted a new edition of this screenprint. Available here!


  1. It is beautiful both as an art piece and as a concept.

    I hope to buy some of your art work when I have a place of my own :)

  2. Hello I have admired your work for some time from afar but it is the first time to write a message.

    I saw a HSBC produced China Design Now! poster (exhibition at the V&A) recently at Bank station and thought it resembled your work a great deal. Have you seen this poster? Is it your work?


  3. u rock ryan...too bad no more calendar to give away but nonetheless, u rock.

  4. Beautiful. I just discovered your shop today and I love it!

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I wondered whether that V&A poster was a Rob Ryan one too? Is it?

  6. I love this piece and just wanted to say thanks for my calendar too...

  7. Hi Rob! I wondered if you had received my letter. I realized that I not included any e-mail, or nickname or form of contact!! I sent the letter under my real name, Ximena Carreira from Argentina.
    Have you any news? Appreciate if you can to let me know at xcarreira(@)gmail(dot)com

  8. Oh my... your work is wonderful! x

  9. I find your work such an inspiration, that I have awarded you an award. Please look on my blog :-)

  10. Fab cover and interview in the Independant today, had only bought it cos of the CD, so was really pleased to find the bonus of your work being highlighted.

  11. Hello,

    I was given this print recently as a wedding present from my lovely Art Director in London.

    When I read it, it may me cry - in a good way. I think your words are beautiful and I wish I could write like you.

    The world's definitely a better place with your art in it Mister Ryan.

  12. Dear Mr. Ryan,

    I am very much interested in purchasing this screen print. Alas, it is no longer available in your Etsy store. I am wanting to purchase this piece of work for my mother. Is there any way that it will become avaiable to buy in the near future?
    Thank you for your time!


  13. bezardetienne@yahoo.fr7:53 AM

    Hello Try to find the HSBC poster China Design Now. Do you still have any ??? Ready to buy one.


    Etienne (from France)
