Monday, April 27, 2009

The show is at Earnest Sewn and is up until the End of May.
821 Washington St (at Gansevoort Street) in the Meat Packing District. New York City


  1. Hannah11:34 AM

    This looks like the most exciting place in the world right now! Very Jelous!! xx

  2. BASE (South Beach) says Ernest Sewn make the best V necks on the globe - we're wearing one right now!

  3. I love the trees you made for the walls!! I wish you could come here and make some for my studio/gallery!!!

    I read your book last night... It made me cry to think that someone else feels exactly the same way I do. You are a very, very special person. I wonder if all artists really feel this way. It is the best book I've ever read... and I'm totally serious about that. If you read my blog from over a year ago when I wrote about loneliness, it's exactly what you said. And I found someone who loves me and understands that too. amazing.
