Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Afternoon Tea in Japan asked me ages ago to do some designs for all kinds of wet weather gear to launch for their Rainy Season collection, it's finally been launched and I must say those umbrellas look wicked !


  1. so cool. love the umbrella.

  2. In what store is this display? In Tokyo?

  3. Love the bird with the umbrella in his beak. Any chance we'll see some of this range at Ryantown?

    BTW, just posted about this on Wee Birdy. xx

  4. I'm sorry but I don't know where that actual display is located. I know it's in Tokyo. Afternoon Tea is quite a well known brand so shouldn't be too hard to uncover.
    We really want to get some of this stuff for Ryantown HQ in Columbia Rd, as soon as we've pinned them down, I feel our first competition coming on !
    PS Thanks for posting Top Bird !!!!

  5. Wow Rob - your designs look great on this kind of merchandise. Congrats.

  6. this would look great in the shop :D i love the raincoats! xox

  7. Oh WOW!! With an umbrella like that I would be happy if it rained every day forever! Let me know if you get some in for the shopxx

  8. oh man... and my rob ryan art obsession continues... where to get one? where???!!!

  9. They're gorgeous! I love the colours, you're very talented!

  10. Oh please pin this down for your great shop.

    I love the rain and the umbrellas make me smile. All the other lovely items are fabulous!

    My Japanese translating skills are slim to none! I may have to start buying blindly!

  11. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Hi Rob

    can I still buy a calendar? If so, where from

  12. Hi!
    just found your blog and I wanted to tell you that I like your work alot!

  13. Hi, I couldnt find any contact info, so I'm just going to leave you a comment. I've been planning and designing a tattoo that incorporates elements of your work amongst some text. I wouldnt want to get it if it made you uncomfortable to have your designs reproduced when its not in your own art work. you can contact me at rina(dot)anxiety(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. Hi, I met your brilliant work in 2007(collaboration with Paul Smith)
    Now, your works are necessities of life for me.I love your works!! I still use the cute wallet and have clothes, and I got new collection, key holders on birds and message, polka dots pauches at AfternoonTea. Please do a design more for Japan!!
    Take care and have a nice day.

  15. Dear Mister Rob:
    I come from Taiwan. I have read your introduction by a magazine called ppaper in 2008. I and my coworkers all like your works. Recently, we have a case about the public art. we will decorate some ATMs in MRT, which is the public transportation in our capital, Taipei.
    We would like use your works to let the space more beautiful!We hope we can corporate! Please contact me with my

  16. Hi,again.
    I read older your blogs(Mar.2008), then I know about a lasercut calender 2008. Do you still have one? It's very helpful if you reply here( )Thank you for reading.
    take care.

  17. The online shop has the collection at, but it is in Japanese.

  18. kanako1:35 AM

    I love Rob's work and bought your
    umbrella! My friends say to me,
    `It's so-lovely! Where did you
    buy that?`
    I'll be waiting for your next
    work soon!
    Thank you!

  19. angela2:20 AM

    I love ur collection of 'Walking in the rain'.
    It conveys an attitude which I find very delightful.:)
    It s such a pity that your works are not displayed in Hong Kong and people like me can only see them on the internet.:(
