Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm in the middle of preparing for 2 solo shows of my work in November, one in London and one in Stafford. The London show will be mainly brand new papercuts and prints and a couple of little suprises too! Stafford is going to be a big ceramic show, along with the original papercut illustrations from Carol Ann Duffy's new book 'The Gift' and new papercuts and prints. All info is on the picture above. Come!!!


  1. can't wait for the London show

  2. Denmoden7:22 PM

    Im really excited to be there! Hope to see your new wonderful creations!Will be bringing my small children though( what a bummer lol)

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I was thinking about you all today; wishing and wishing and wishing (very hard) that I could come....! (maybe I should earn some money instead of all the wishing all day long ;))xx Noortje
