Monday, October 21, 2013

The Invisible Kingdom

Rob's new book, 'The Invisible Kingdom' is published this week on the 24th October 2013.  It forms the first part in a trilogy telling the story of 'a small boy, a big imagination and learning to be your own person.' 

With the publication date drawing close I thought it would be a good time to share a glimpse at some behind the scene stages involved in the making of it here at Ryantown HQ.

Early in the year, Rob started planning the story and mapping out his ideas, starting with post-its, then onto long pages of notes which covered the walls of the studio.

Once happy with the plot he began to illustrate his words. Rob's drawings were scanned and laid out on the computer by his studio assistant Libby, who did an amazing job in helping bring the story to life.

The upstairs wall of Ryantown was transformed as the pages of the book began to take shape with colour and texture. Rob was clearly able to see each page and make any changes as he went along.

'The Invisible Kingdom' will be available to buy from 24th October 2013 and Rob will be signing copies at Sims Reed Gallery on October 26th from 1-2pm. Here is a brilliant video where Rob discusses the book and his thoughts behind the making of it.

Louise Renforth
Studio Assistant 


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I'm looking forward to seeing the exhibition, was sorry to have missed Rob at the AAF!

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