Last week my wife sent me a text telling me that Nick Ashford had died.
Him and his wife were, are and always will be my total and absolute heroes. Although they were most well known in their own right for the 80s hit 'Solid', Nick and his wife Valerie Simpson wrote countless songs of such beauty and tenderness and joy that I couldn't even begin to call myself any type of an artist in comparison.
'Ain't no mountain high enough' as sung by Marvin and Tammi is the best known of their compositions but there were so many others that I know I will listen to and sing along to in my awful voice and continue to love until the day I die.
Nick, I made this simple picture for my shop window last week and so many people came into the shop and told Cynthia my shop manager how much they loved your music and how much it meant to them.
Thank you so much for sharing your incredible gift with us Nick, you were such a beautiful man.