I have just received proofs from Puffin of a jacket design I did for them for last year, it's a story set in what I would call the dark ages, the inspiration for me for this was the title of William Manchester's book on the dark/early middle ages, 'A World lit only by fire'. I dont really make comment on anything besides my work on this blog thing but I think it would be unnatural to not mention Obama's inauguration yesterday. As the husband to a black woman and the father of mixed race children my heart yesterday was bursting with happiness and pride yesterday that such a good thing could happen in this world. I abhor patriotism of any sort and as a UK citizen the only Queen I recognise is Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, yet the significance of yesterday meant so much more than all of the flag waving and whether it was tears of happiness or sadness or whatever I found myself crying over and over again all through the day.
So nice to hear your thoughts on this. Everyone I know here in the states (and not particularly the patriotic type) was weeping all day.
Lovely book cover btw!
Yesterday was freaking brilliant, a total weepfest! xx
What a truly remarkable day, I have to totally agree with Alys, followed by the biggest WHOOP! ever!!! x
Me too!!! I cried on and off all day. And whenever I see reruns of the highlights on television, I get teary all over again.
My granddaughter is mixed race and I think this is just a wonderful leveler of the playing field for her. I am excited about Obama for reasons beyond that as well, but it sure makes me happy for her.
Love the book cover, Rob!
I think the book cover is beautiful. And yes, it was indeed a truly historic and significant day. Suzy
ciao rob ryan...appena avrò tradotto il tuo commento vorrei risponderti a tema...prima ti vorrei dire che ti ho scoperto dopo aver letto la tua intervista sulla rivista su Living etc....e sto scoprendo attraverso il tuo blog un mondo 'fantastico'...mi puoi rispondere appena hai tradotto il mio commento italiano?
Such a wonderful day. It was sobbing all round at my place.
Oh, and "as a UK citizen the only Queen I recognise is Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul" - Amen to that. xx
hear hear!
well said Rob!
what lovely words! most true indeed! it was a wonderful occasion and a huge breath of optimism, the start of something new!
i love the book cover too!
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