Hmm. Well the time to do it has finally come around, and much packing has been done this week- the move begins tomorrow and the installation continues throughout the week and then from Friday 23rd for 12 consecutive days I will be working everyday in The Embankment Galleries, Somerset House, London. You can find more details
Here .
I'm not sure how it is going to work out until it starts happening. The show is billed as a showcase of Graphic Design talent, well for a start I have never claimed to be a Graphic Designer and don't feel as if I am even remotely like one ! But who cares anyway - it's all just labels ! The idea of doing it was it was supposed to be fun !!! If anyone reading this is in or near London and comes down to the show do please come up and say hello etc because I think that is what it's all really supposed to be about. Quite simple really.
hazel ! Have you been improving my posts !!!!
that sounds a bit scarey....will definately try and come to london for that...loved the independant cover by the way....good luck rob
look forward to seeing it all and hopefully meeting you on saturday.
Sounds fab, wish I could pop in to say hello, I'm sure it will be worth the upheaval and you'll meet some really interesting people!
This sounds great- though probably a lot of work for you all- will definitely come along and watch you at work!
Not much upheaval there then!So sorry I live in N,Yorkshire and can't potter down for a chat.I love your work and posted your Independent cover on my humble blog.Keep up the great work-you make one very tired,old northern bird very happy.
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