Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Sims Reed Gallery: There Is Only Time

From the 23rd October to the 8th November 2013 Rob will be showing a collection of new work 'There Is Only Time' at Sims Reed Gallery, London, in association with TAG Fine Arts

It has been all hands on deck at Ryantown HQ paper cutting for the show. Here is a exclusive sneak preview at some of the new work being cut.  
The exhibition aims to follow on from Rob's previous major solo shows The Stars Shine All Day Too in London 2010, and Our Adventure Is About To Begin in New York, 2012. It will also coincide with the official launch of Rob's new book 'The Invisible Kingdom', which will be the first in a trilogy. To celebrate the launch, Sims Reed Gallery will host a book signing with Rob on Saturday 26th October between 1 - 2pm. 

Louise Renforth
Studio Assistant 


Sarah Lovell said...

wow! Looks amazing, I am definitely definitely going along to this.

Rob Ryan said...

Thanks Sarah!

Rob Ryan said...

Thanks Sarah!

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