This very special hardback 82 page book has been published to accompany my current show at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
The book contains an introduction by Clare Dwyer Hogg followed by an interview with me and lots of beautiful images of my work photographed by Jonty Wilde.
These photos include the 11 window decals I designed for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, each panel measures 4.5 metres high by 1.9 metres wide.
It also contains images of my studio, shop and some of my work. Only available at Ryantown, my Etsy Shop and the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. £20.00
How wonderful, a hardback book! Congratulations
Hi - I went to the Sculpture Park a couple of weekends ago and couldn't resist buying this - such a beautiful exhibition and a wonderful book! :)
Dear Mr Rob
the book looks fascinating, just as much as the YSP exhibition too! I originate from just a few miles away from the YSP and the sculpture park is one of my favourite places on earth, but now live in Italy - we came to your shop whilst over in the UK this summer and had the pleasure of bumping into you. Spending Christmas here this year is lovely, but means that I am ever so sad not to be able to see your exhibition before it finishes - what a magical combination 'Rob Ryan and the YSP'... makes me a little blue that I won't be able to see it, though fingers crossed I'll be sending my Mum on a book-hunting mission!
Happy weekend to you.
its yet more inspirational work from my favourite living artist, at least i think he lives, some say he's immortal. Its the only work done today that i envy.
I am dying to buy this book, but when i went to buy it on etsy it says it wont ship to Ireland :(
Disappointed I can't nip back to England to see this exhibition at the YSP - it's had some fantastic feedback. Dommage!
You artwork is stunning - my favourite artist by far, and I've spread the message to many of my friends!
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